Wednesday, January 28, 2009

I'm so ____ now. Undescribabale feelin.

Erm... ya.. Wenhao's gettin mre popular in sch. Evryone wants to knw who he like. This kinda thing always happen on him, last time in PTPS, nw in TSS. Hahas xD
Didnt go for PE tdy. Hahas.. Not rly sick, but dun feel like. Will get Mr..... Idk what.. A letter nxt wk. LOL! They seem tired aft PE xD hah!
Den evrything's like.. the same.
Oh well, the same? Same as PTPS. Same thing happens evryday but only different ppl. So it's jus like no difference frm prim sch.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Happy Lunar New Year! :D
Happy Be-lated Birthday Banana and Violence Pumkin! :D
Happy Birthday Salwah! :D
Happy Advance Birthday Jie! :D

Nothing much to post:D

I can be hyper too(:

Friday, January 23, 2009

Add my new E-mail- J3S.Y@HOTMAIL.COM. TYs!(:
or you can just click on the MSN link at the left side!:D
Hahha! Bck to post(:
Lazy to post fr the last few days xP Hahas!

Went sch as usual, myself. 55.. I'll try to convince tht Chua Wenhao to walk w me nxt wk^^ Hah! Then D&T, the boring-est lesson of all. Lols! & den Lit. Not rly happy w the sitting arrangement during Lit. Tht arrogant chairman, don't frgt you nominated yourself, bt nt ppl nominate you-.-
.. Wadevr. Then recess. Eat BlahX3.. Then celebration. Play play play w the ppl sittin beside me. Lols! The last part if the celebration which is the change face thingy la, rly "amazed" me. Hah!

Went bck PeiTong aft tht.
Took bus thr. Lols! Quite lotsa farni thing happened. Borrowed money frm a so-called stranger, which is Wayne Ong. Then rch interchange liao, walked to sch.
Saw lotsa ex-PTs. Saw Amirul too! Haha! Then I was like faster run to him, took out my fone, and den took a photo of him. I'm nt crazy, & no one in this whole world will evr believe tht I likes him. Took photo is because thr's a guy in TSS looks so same as him, & guess wad? Same bag, same size:P. Haha! Idk y I took too, to show the Tanglinians? LOL! Idk.
Then chatted. But eventually cnt go in the sch, cos.. Idk too TT
Nvm. At least I managed to bring SunYue bck to my hse :DD
Changed bag w her(: Getting bored w my bag, & she's getting bored w hers too. So decided to change:D Lols! Her's mre comfortable (:

Went to popular w her before she went bck. Brought pens.. & chatted mre:D

Had Math Trail ytd. Was at West Coast park. Same grp w Wan Ni, Jason, & the grp leader, Gen Cheng. Honestly, I did nth. Haha! Don't blame cos I was rly tired. Wan Ni's & my fone was confiscated. Lols! Cos we were sitting under the tree playin fone. Hah!

Erm, tht's all fr these days.
& yes, will be changing E-mail soon(:
This time nt say say oni liao. Hah!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Was quite hyper tdy cos of sth tht happened during recess.
Tried to so called "solve" tht misunderstanding, bt eventually made it mre worst. But HEY PPL, do I looks like tht kinda person? Lols.

Did grp wrk during Basic. Tht two guys = laugh non stop. I'm nt sure if Eve was, bt me, yes. Lols. Kept on writing farni rules & names. Lols. & oh yes, 1E1=Dogs(14 outta 24 chose). Hha! Den EL, blahX3.
Den sch end. I

Went to West Coast Plaza jus nw.
Ate & den nw, I'm hme.
Recently no shows to watch de. Boredd.

Shall end nw & look fr dog's pic. Hahha!
&& I wan tmr to come:D Miss sch xD

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Oh hi, gna be a short post before heading to the Airport.
Mum's coming fr CNY. So wun be on9 so early alrdy. You'll knw wad I mean if you knw me well. Haha! Went to take photo for ... Idk fr wad la, my form tcher want de. Looked super nerdy TT..

&, I found lotsa Hakim No.2 in TSS:D Hah!

Changed my blogsong to Jordin Sparks - Tattoo

Oh, oh, oh
No matter what you say about love
I keep coming back for more
Keep my hand in the fire
Sooner or later,
I'll get what I'm asking for

No matter what you say about life
I learn every time I bleed
That truth is a stranger
Soul is in danger, I gotta let my spirit be free
To admit that I'm wrong
And then change my mind
Sorry but I have to move on
And leave you behind

I can't waste time so give it a moment
I realize, nothing's broken
No need to worry 'bout everything I've done
Live every second like it was my last one
Don't look back at a new direction
I loved you once, needed protection
You're still a part of everything I do
You're on my heart just like a tattoo
(Just like a tattoo, I'll always have you
I'll always have you, I'll always have you)

I'm sick of playing all of these games
It's not about taking sides
When I looked in the mirror, didn't deliver
It hurt enough to think that I could
Stop, admit that I'm wrong
And then change my mind
Sorry but I gotta be strong
And leave you behind

(Just like a tattoo, I'll always have you
I'll always have you)

If I live every moment
Won't change any moment
Still a part of me and you
I will never regret you
Still the memory of you
Marks everything i do

[Chorus X2]
Just like a tattoo
I'll always have you


Saturday, January 17, 2009

Changed blogskin:D
It's frm same blogskin creator so it looks kinda same w the previous one.
Liked the date's effect:D Lols.

Erm, went to Jurong Point w SunYue:D

Lazy to talk bout it. Hah, Had fun.
Btw, anyone have Chicken Soup for the Soul Series?

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Somehow, feelin particular dwn tdy. Did things slower den usual. Can't concentrate during lesson, and evn maths. If during Library period, the tcher didnt scold the class, I'll like daydreamin thruout the day. He "woke" me up.

Chose Gu Zheng as first choice for CCA eventually. Choose to please you ppl, how stupid? But I always do tht, don't I?
Argh, wadevr.
Den Contemp Dance was second, and den Military Band. Didnt follow Shi Hwee they all.

Saw the Student Councillor dance tdy. Erm, it's a performance actually. Background music was HSM3's "Can I Have This Dance". Now den found out tht this song was not bad. Lols.

Didnt do hw yet, better go now. Hah!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

#60 Post (:

I'm getting mre n mre annoyed w those freakin hws-.-
Maths is mre complicated den prim's. Sometimes dun evn get wad's Mrs Yit (or wadevr she's known as) saying=.=..

Okay, bck to wad I wna say, I've actually talked to almost evryone in my class. Hah! Its kinda late.
Had PE tdy. Played Captain's Ball. Didnt rly participate in the beginnin, bt aft tht dunno y start playin liao. Lols. It's fun, maybe? Lols.. Missed BBall, somehow.. somewhat.

Den lesson as usual. Took photo on the second last lesson, most probably's fr Ez-Link Card. Read book aft tht. Den lesson agn.

Erm, well, since nth mre, so stop liao.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Shall blog since I've nth to do :)

School was usual. Bored bt enjoyed. Hah!
I'm started to like going to school evryday & seriously, I don't get the reason why. Didnt I hate posted to this school?

Wake up early tdy. Thought of goin to sch early, but didnt knw tht much people. So took a longer shower instead. Rch sch bout e same time. On e way, sth farni happened, hahaaa, dun think tht person wants me to say out. Lols. You owe me this time :D

Principal nagged agn=.=.. Bout 'O' Lvl tdy. Hah!
Then lesson all e way to recess. Getting sickk-.-.. agn. Hate it!
Anyway, had DP tdy. The actions are all like v exaggerate one..zz..
But like the song, Bleeding love- Leona Lewis. So sad.. LOL!
Haaaaa. Assm talk bout CCA aft DP=.=
Went bck hme aft tht. Hah!

Missing you? Forgeting you

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Feel like postin video :)

Lee Hom's our song 我们的歌:D
Had CCA open house tdy.
Wake up quite early to have breakfast, den headed to sch.
My class v guai leh, ha, whn I look into the parade square, evryone in 1E1 were sittin thr quietly in queue :) Den performance by the uniform grps, talk by Alice Lee, the author of certain book, performance by music bands, dance, Gu Zheng, & den lastly the exhibit :)
Ovrall, it's v v bored. Esp the talk=.= The Shawn, Last Campus Superstar's winner came to TSS. & guess wad? He was wearin Batman tee-.- Haha!
Feel like joinin BBall gal, bt dun hv. Ha, stil could rmb whn I was tryin to escape frm Mr Lim during BB last time:D

Went fr a so called talk aft the open house. For all the IS in TSS. Needless to say, it's super duper sian-.- Went bck hme aft tht.

Met Ivy jus nw, since I'm at TP. Talk alot. Bout Sec Sch, chers, classmates & lots mre. CHIJ seems mre boring-er den TSS, so dun think will transfere liao. Haha!

Still havent decide which CCA should I join yet.
Band, Gu Zheng or dance?

Thursday, January 08, 2009

Helloooo! :D
Enjoyed tdy xcept fr some reasons.

Yes, I'm gna hate dislike you :X, new classmate, Kind K____. I don't uds y you call yourself "kind", whn you're nt. Pls la, don't anyhow comment bout othrs, whn you don't evn knw anything. I kept quiet bcos I don't wna waste my time on xplainin to u, nt bcos I admit. & do you think I would like to sit w you? If ydk, I'm gna tell you nw, no:)

Erm, tht person actually spolit my mood. =.=
Bt it's useless, I knw. So I'm alright nw:D

Had music lesson tdy. I was so stupid tht I sit infront of e tcher, Mr Loke, if I'm nt wrong. Ha, & he called me twice=.=..
Then was MT, I think. The MT tcher didnt come, so thr's relieve tcher, quite sian, actually. Haha! Went to library tdy too, like the furnitures thr :D & Borrowed "Love You, Mean It" :), hope it's a nice one:D
Had "big sister, big brother" programme too. Grp-ed w Jing Ling, Bryan, Justin (grp by e stud counselor). Played Musical Chair. Sang by the stud counselor, haha! & Bryan T is so farni :D Den Friendship Dance:D Farni farni!

Lols.. Met SY tis aftnoon, wonderin y Greenridge e U isnt green in colour. Haha!

Went bck hme aft tht :D

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Oh yay, I somewhat started to lik Tanglin Sec :D
But hor, the principal v naggy leh. Nag evry morning-.-

Had dance programme tdy=.=
It's compulsory. If not you gimme $$ i also dun wna learn. Somemre is i pay for it-.-
But the tcher looks cool:) Ms JJ :D
Erm, tdy leh, the dk wad dance grp came to Tanglin ar. The dance was fab! Lik.. the kinda dance tht shown in CNA. Like the chinese dancer:D Haha! :D

Wish me gd luck fr tmr T.T
Cos my fringe. Pin up, I rather...

Monday, January 05, 2009

Jus finished watching 不良校花 last ep, now goin to watch Little Nyonya last ep. All last ep de. Hahas..
Second day of school was.. bettter den the first day? At least knew the names of most of the classmates. Tried the food at canteen too. It's actually nt so bad? Probably cos my expectation isnt as high. & seen e tchers. Er.. Lols? Idk wad to say. Haha! I still nid mre time :)

Went bck to PTPS aft sch, to accopany Shi Hwee to gt the EAGLES award. $120 seh, cn buy Nike bag liao. Haha. Saw tchers like, Mrs Lee, Mdm Teo, Mdm Hajerah, & mny mre :)
Miss them lots :D
Had lunch w Liang Zhao Ming, n Hu Jiwei. Lols.. Rly happy to eat lunch w them agn.
Aft tht, went to big book shop w YL & WH. (erm, I actually didnt eat lunch w them. Few tables away & it's bcos.. they are afraid of LZM & HJW. HAHAH! Lame enough?)

Thennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.. Bot SCI TX bk. Oni YL & WH! Ha, i'm so generous, yea? :D I let YL to have the book i found :DD I'm KIND! Lols.. (& KIND, tis word actually reminds me of someone, haha! Damn farni la! IF YOU'RE AT 1E1 SITTIN NEAR ME DURING EL DEN YOU'LL KNW LIAO. )

Erm.. Little Nyonya now. BYE!
1E1, mre to discover :D

Oh yes, I'm still waiting for your reply.
& I'm hopin to see you tmr.

Friday, January 02, 2009

gna post cos i wan myself to rmb tdy.

rch sch ard 7. erm, well, i was e earliest among e PT's. so jus walked ard e sch, n wait fr 'em.
the assm talk was damn long la.. sian.. n den bck to class. evryone intro each othr.. somemre sat on floor seh. aiyo, tht's fr prim la-.-
erm, didnt get to rmb anyone's name, poor memory. some lik knw e face dk e name, den some lik knw e name dk e face.
den recess. recessed w YL, SH, WH, anice n razana. den razana said e food nt nice, so didnt eat. lols..

den played games. orientation tour. den.. games..
er.. e game.. lol.. you knw la.. sian.. haha!

ok, stop here, cos nth mre. ok, am tokin craps.. haha.. lame..

Thursday, January 01, 2009

erm, too much thigns happened these few days. no mood to post..
bt still, wish evryone a happy new year.
& thks, i did rly enjoy ytd :)