Thursday, January 08, 2009

Helloooo! :D
Enjoyed tdy xcept fr some reasons.

Yes, I'm gna hate dislike you :X, new classmate, Kind K____. I don't uds y you call yourself "kind", whn you're nt. Pls la, don't anyhow comment bout othrs, whn you don't evn knw anything. I kept quiet bcos I don't wna waste my time on xplainin to u, nt bcos I admit. & do you think I would like to sit w you? If ydk, I'm gna tell you nw, no:)

Erm, tht person actually spolit my mood. =.=
Bt it's useless, I knw. So I'm alright nw:D

Had music lesson tdy. I was so stupid tht I sit infront of e tcher, Mr Loke, if I'm nt wrong. Ha, & he called me twice=.=..
Then was MT, I think. The MT tcher didnt come, so thr's relieve tcher, quite sian, actually. Haha! Went to library tdy too, like the furnitures thr :D & Borrowed "Love You, Mean It" :), hope it's a nice one:D
Had "big sister, big brother" programme too. Grp-ed w Jing Ling, Bryan, Justin (grp by e stud counselor). Played Musical Chair. Sang by the stud counselor, haha! & Bryan T is so farni :D Den Friendship Dance:D Farni farni!

Lols.. Met SY tis aftnoon, wonderin y Greenridge e U isnt green in colour. Haha!

Went bck hme aft tht :D

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