Saturday, January 10, 2009

Had CCA open house tdy.
Wake up quite early to have breakfast, den headed to sch.
My class v guai leh, ha, whn I look into the parade square, evryone in 1E1 were sittin thr quietly in queue :) Den performance by the uniform grps, talk by Alice Lee, the author of certain book, performance by music bands, dance, Gu Zheng, & den lastly the exhibit :)
Ovrall, it's v v bored. Esp the talk=.= The Shawn, Last Campus Superstar's winner came to TSS. & guess wad? He was wearin Batman tee-.- Haha!
Feel like joinin BBall gal, bt dun hv. Ha, stil could rmb whn I was tryin to escape frm Mr Lim during BB last time:D

Went fr a so called talk aft the open house. For all the IS in TSS. Needless to say, it's super duper sian-.- Went bck hme aft tht.

Met Ivy jus nw, since I'm at TP. Talk alot. Bout Sec Sch, chers, classmates & lots mre. CHIJ seems mre boring-er den TSS, so dun think will transfere liao. Haha!

Still havent decide which CCA should I join yet.
Band, Gu Zheng or dance?

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