Wednesday, January 14, 2009

#60 Post (:

I'm getting mre n mre annoyed w those freakin hws-.-
Maths is mre complicated den prim's. Sometimes dun evn get wad's Mrs Yit (or wadevr she's known as) saying=.=..

Okay, bck to wad I wna say, I've actually talked to almost evryone in my class. Hah! Its kinda late.
Had PE tdy. Played Captain's Ball. Didnt rly participate in the beginnin, bt aft tht dunno y start playin liao. Lols. It's fun, maybe? Lols.. Missed BBall, somehow.. somewhat.

Den lesson as usual. Took photo on the second last lesson, most probably's fr Ez-Link Card. Read book aft tht. Den lesson agn.

Erm, well, since nth mre, so stop liao.

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