Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Shall blog since I've nth to do :)

School was usual. Bored bt enjoyed. Hah!
I'm started to like going to school evryday & seriously, I don't get the reason why. Didnt I hate posted to this school?

Wake up early tdy. Thought of goin to sch early, but didnt knw tht much people. So took a longer shower instead. Rch sch bout e same time. On e way, sth farni happened, hahaaa, dun think tht person wants me to say out. Lols. You owe me this time :D

Principal nagged agn=.=.. Bout 'O' Lvl tdy. Hah!
Then lesson all e way to recess. Getting sickk-.-.. agn. Hate it!
Anyway, had DP tdy. The actions are all like v exaggerate one..zz..
But like the song, Bleeding love- Leona Lewis. So sad.. LOL!
Haaaaa. Assm talk bout CCA aft DP=.=
Went bck hme aft tht. Hah!

Missing you? Forgeting you

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