Monday, January 19, 2009

Was quite hyper tdy cos of sth tht happened during recess.
Tried to so called "solve" tht misunderstanding, bt eventually made it mre worst. But HEY PPL, do I looks like tht kinda person? Lols.

Did grp wrk during Basic. Tht two guys = laugh non stop. I'm nt sure if Eve was, bt me, yes. Lols. Kept on writing farni rules & names. Lols. & oh yes, 1E1=Dogs(14 outta 24 chose). Hha! Den EL, blahX3.
Den sch end. I

Went to West Coast Plaza jus nw.
Ate & den nw, I'm hme.
Recently no shows to watch de. Boredd.

Shall end nw & look fr dog's pic. Hahha!
&& I wan tmr to come:D Miss sch xD

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