Friday, January 23, 2009

Hahha! Bck to post(:
Lazy to post fr the last few days xP Hahas!

Went sch as usual, myself. 55.. I'll try to convince tht Chua Wenhao to walk w me nxt wk^^ Hah! Then D&T, the boring-est lesson of all. Lols! & den Lit. Not rly happy w the sitting arrangement during Lit. Tht arrogant chairman, don't frgt you nominated yourself, bt nt ppl nominate you-.-
.. Wadevr. Then recess. Eat BlahX3.. Then celebration. Play play play w the ppl sittin beside me. Lols! The last part if the celebration which is the change face thingy la, rly "amazed" me. Hah!

Went bck PeiTong aft tht.
Took bus thr. Lols! Quite lotsa farni thing happened. Borrowed money frm a so-called stranger, which is Wayne Ong. Then rch interchange liao, walked to sch.
Saw lotsa ex-PTs. Saw Amirul too! Haha! Then I was like faster run to him, took out my fone, and den took a photo of him. I'm nt crazy, & no one in this whole world will evr believe tht I likes him. Took photo is because thr's a guy in TSS looks so same as him, & guess wad? Same bag, same size:P. Haha! Idk y I took too, to show the Tanglinians? LOL! Idk.
Then chatted. But eventually cnt go in the sch, cos.. Idk too TT
Nvm. At least I managed to bring SunYue bck to my hse :DD
Changed bag w her(: Getting bored w my bag, & she's getting bored w hers too. So decided to change:D Lols! Her's mre comfortable (:

Went to popular w her before she went bck. Brought pens.. & chatted mre:D

Had Math Trail ytd. Was at West Coast park. Same grp w Wan Ni, Jason, & the grp leader, Gen Cheng. Honestly, I did nth. Haha! Don't blame cos I was rly tired. Wan Ni's & my fone was confiscated. Lols! Cos we were sitting under the tree playin fone. Hah!

Erm, tht's all fr these days.
& yes, will be changing E-mail soon(:
This time nt say say oni liao. Hah!

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