Friday, January 02, 2009

gna post cos i wan myself to rmb tdy.

rch sch ard 7. erm, well, i was e earliest among e PT's. so jus walked ard e sch, n wait fr 'em.
the assm talk was damn long la.. sian.. n den bck to class. evryone intro each othr.. somemre sat on floor seh. aiyo, tht's fr prim la-.-
erm, didnt get to rmb anyone's name, poor memory. some lik knw e face dk e name, den some lik knw e name dk e face.
den recess. recessed w YL, SH, WH, anice n razana. den razana said e food nt nice, so didnt eat. lols..

den played games. orientation tour. den.. games..
er.. e game.. lol.. you knw la.. sian.. haha!

ok, stop here, cos nth mre. ok, am tokin craps.. haha.. lame..

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