Saturday, February 28, 2009

[靜茹&情歌] 沒有如果(:

Nothing much(:

Friday, February 27, 2009

Oh hi(: I've linked most of the ppl, but it wasnt in order.

Erm, had Hmt common test tdy. The paper was really difficult. & Mdm Sun marked the paper damn fast. We ard knew the marks by the end of tdy, & I get 63): Argh, wtf! TT
School tdy was fine.
Oh well, except for sth happened during Science. Well, I was wrong, & I admit that I deserved the scolding. But teachers, think, why can we drink sweet drink in classroom, but not teachers' homeroom? Isnt tht.. selfish?
Urgh, okay, it didnt spoilt my mood actually. I'm starting to like Hmt bck(: If Lj & Zh are mre quiet, I'll be mre pleased(:
Went to Eve's hse aft school, to do the Library hw, or maybe project? Whatevr.
Took 87 or 78 to Clementi Interchange then took 99 to her hse. Watched Twilight there, a lil disappoionted): Hahha! Nvm, I shall continue w my book(:
Didnt do anything in the end :X But I've lotsa new songs frm Shi Hwee:D Hahaas! Dad drove me bck hme:D
Bot icecream at Clementi Arcade:D Greentea w redbean this time. But I still prefer Kookie monster(:

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Yox! Hahhas! I'm crazy today:D Crazzzy!
School was as usually bored. Maths common test paper as OK, but don't really sure if can get high marks, my wrking was dubious :(
Erm, tdy during recess, whn I look at mo mo ren direction, the mo mo ren was drinking water & made tht kinda "Gooodo goodo" sound. LOL! Tht kept me laughing thruout recess:D
Then Library, Science, & lastly common test. Will not elaborate much.
Stayed bck aft school fr new Chinese project. Wthwth!
The guess what, I saw Hakim, Rydafie & another Ex6Care boy in TSS. Miss Hakim damn lots! They were coming fr a match Vs Tss, I think(: Chatted w him & Rydafie:D Banana wasnt there):
Then ran ran 'round Tss, hahas! First time:D Hakim made me crazyy! Hahhas! He always managed to do tht, but don't get the wrong idea(:
Went to WCP aft tht, to buy some stuffs(:

Hahhas! Tht's all fr tdy:D
3mre test(:

Monday, February 23, 2009

Finally. Started to rain. & I'm so in love w raining season(:

Chua Wenhao, you better hope next Wed to come. Hahaha!
Nothing much:D

Sunday, February 22, 2009

I enjoyed yesterday evening:D Hahaha!
Initially wanted to go to West Coast Plaza to buy pens & stuffs, and then saw James at the bball court near my hse. Was like "Issit really him?" at first, & then whn he look at my direction, he noticed me.
Watched him & his friends playing w music playing. Lols! Really admire his aiming skill, damn 准. After for like 15mins, his friends went bck hme, then I asked him to accompany me to West Coast Plaza. But.. forgot what happened, at the bball court thr, I started playing w the ball liao. Hahas! He was fed up w me. Hahahs! Went to WCP aft tht, but Popular was closed. Reached hme ard 9, had a quick shower then watched Tv till 1. Hahas!

Friday, February 20, 2009

I loveThis.

I miss typing:D
Didnt get to use comp fr the last few days, so wil be posting bout this whole week now(:

Ms Teo said Ms Tan vomitted blood during Basic. LOLS!
Stayed bck fr Chinese project
Made up my mind to change CCA:D Had haircut aft sch
First time get angry in TSS.

New project fr TP=.=
Nothing much.

Hyperactive thruout the day:D
Skipped one round 'round the field during PE:D Hahas!
Scolded agn cos of fringe, but its shorter now OK!
Went planting aft sch, fr CIP.
Went to Band instead of Gu Zheng:D Join flute, damn difficult:(

Had Maths & Geo test. Failed v badly fr Geo, 4/15. Hahaha!

Disturb Jessie during D&T^^ Hahhas!
Hate today's Mt. && my grp's first fr the project 10/10:DD Credit goes to Zhi Hao & Ling Jing. Tht two...... hahas! Had science test.
Then was EL, Bryan Tan was jus too suay to sit beind me:DD hahahha!
Stayed bck fr HMT. Compo agn=.= Ling Jing sing song fr the class fr being latest fr class. Sounds weird-.- hahas!

Tht's all:D

Was tht you who do evrything behind?

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy valentine's!♥
Ignore my previous post, kind of influenced by the love novel=.= Better stop reading. Hahas!

Went bck to PT to help out just now.
Reached there ard 10. Was told to reach by 945, thot I was late. Reached liao den chat chat, play play. Then ate, the food was ok, not as bad as I thot :p After that help carry things frm office to hall, & den the senior citizens came. Ushered 'em to the seat, then walked walked in the hall. Blahblahblah. Ard 12.30 liddat, went to eat w Alfred they all. Girls oni SY & I, then rest all guys. Dunno why the girls don't hungry leh, lols! Ate at the coffee shop opposite PT. Miss there! Hahas! Alfred today v nice leh, let me c his wallet & play w his hair. Hahahha! His Ez-link card photo damn cute, hahas! Now so qian bian :p Went bck ard 1. Reporter came, must watch tdy's news :D Then finally managed to get a rubberband(frm TT, tyty:D) to tie my hair. Then, playplayplay. Lols!
When it's time fr the senior citizen to leave, all of us went to tie up(or rather pack)the things that was giving to 'em. Evryone's helpin at that time. Thou was quite tired, bt cn see tht evryone's helpin, & was like quite touching(: Went to HMT's classrm somewhen during tht time, lotsa memories appeared..
Went bck hme whn's end(:

Okay, nothing much:D

Friday, February 13, 2009

Tmr's VD!

Be my valentine. Be my valentine. Be my valentine. Be my valentine. Be my valentine. Be my valentine. Be my valentine. Be my valentine. Be my valentine. Be my valentine. Be my valentine. Be my valentine. Be my valentine. Be my valentine. Be my valentine. Be my valentine. Be my valentine. Be my valentine. Be my valentine. Be my valentine. Be my valentine. Be my valentine. Be my valentine. Be my valentine. Be my valentine. Be my valentine. Be my valentine. Be my valentine. Be my valentine. Be my valentine. Be my valentine. Be my valentine. Be my valentine. Be my valentine. Be my valentine. Be my valentine. Be my valentine. Be my valentine. Be my valentine. Be my valentine. Be my valentine. Be my valentine. Be my valentine. Be my valentine. Be my valentine. Be my valentine. Be my valentine. Be my valentine. Be my valentine. Be my valentine. Be my valentine. Be my valentine.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

This song touches me.

I'm down with flu. & I feel terrible.
But I'm not Paul. Hahaha! Copyin Eve's file(:

Yeah, but infact I'm rly dwn w flu TT
Hate it to the core, copying WH. Hahaha!
Had maths test tdy, & I'm v sure I didnt do well. Felt so terrible during maths. Failed Sci, & now.. Maths? TT Dunno what will happen if Mum know ):
School's as usual. Rly rly sorry to those that I angry w tdy. I'm nt rly angry, bt jus feelin terrible, & I rly need you guys to understand me. Not inclding Zh & Jl, you guys made me.

Thr's D&T tmr. Lookin forward. Hahahs! Not as bored as last few weeks ler :D
&& my links, will link whn I'm bored:D
Common test coming, shit! Hahhaaha!

What will happen if it really happened? I wonder.

Sunday, February 08, 2009

Always Online - JJ Lim , Chinese version of Cries In A Distance.

Nothing to post.

Friday, February 06, 2009

Change blogskin again. Will add blogsong later.

It's friday, so could stay up till quite late(:
Ate during recess. Then MT. Hahaha. Then Science, had science test. zzz.. Then EL, zzzzzz-.-...
Wen fr HMT aft school. Sat w tht super zi lian Ling Jing. Lols! But infact she's rly quite talented in drawin la :/. Hahas! Wrote personal letter. Wait for Shi Hwee aft tht. Hah, Ling Jing's rly rly v humourous, tht kind tht wun irritates me. Hahas!

&& I desperately want a new school bag :DD

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Oh hi. Proper post now(:
Wenhao's bday tdy. & ZM's lunar bday ytd. So happy bday guys:D Hahas!
Had DP tdy. Changed song on the previous lesson, Mariah Carey's I Stay In Love. Liked her E=MC2 album(: Lessons usual. Math & HMT's tcher werent ard tdy & I enjoyed tdy's HMT lesson much. I like Ling Jing, thou she pissed me off. Hahaha

1E1, rocks on yea? Hahas!

I like this song

Cn't find the MV.

Sunday, February 01, 2009

Changed blogskin & song. Song to Mariah Carey's Bye Bye.

Watched Wedding Game w Sun Yue & Wen Hao at JP. They missed each other(:

Time to say bye.