Friday, February 27, 2009

Oh hi(: I've linked most of the ppl, but it wasnt in order.

Erm, had Hmt common test tdy. The paper was really difficult. & Mdm Sun marked the paper damn fast. We ard knew the marks by the end of tdy, & I get 63): Argh, wtf! TT
School tdy was fine.
Oh well, except for sth happened during Science. Well, I was wrong, & I admit that I deserved the scolding. But teachers, think, why can we drink sweet drink in classroom, but not teachers' homeroom? Isnt tht.. selfish?
Urgh, okay, it didnt spoilt my mood actually. I'm starting to like Hmt bck(: If Lj & Zh are mre quiet, I'll be mre pleased(:
Went to Eve's hse aft school, to do the Library hw, or maybe project? Whatevr.
Took 87 or 78 to Clementi Interchange then took 99 to her hse. Watched Twilight there, a lil disappoionted): Hahha! Nvm, I shall continue w my book(:
Didnt do anything in the end :X But I've lotsa new songs frm Shi Hwee:D Hahaas! Dad drove me bck hme:D
Bot icecream at Clementi Arcade:D Greentea w redbean this time. But I still prefer Kookie monster(:

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