Thursday, February 26, 2009

Yox! Hahhas! I'm crazy today:D Crazzzy!
School was as usually bored. Maths common test paper as OK, but don't really sure if can get high marks, my wrking was dubious :(
Erm, tdy during recess, whn I look at mo mo ren direction, the mo mo ren was drinking water & made tht kinda "Gooodo goodo" sound. LOL! Tht kept me laughing thruout recess:D
Then Library, Science, & lastly common test. Will not elaborate much.
Stayed bck aft school fr new Chinese project. Wthwth!
The guess what, I saw Hakim, Rydafie & another Ex6Care boy in TSS. Miss Hakim damn lots! They were coming fr a match Vs Tss, I think(: Chatted w him & Rydafie:D Banana wasnt there):
Then ran ran 'round Tss, hahas! First time:D Hakim made me crazyy! Hahhas! He always managed to do tht, but don't get the wrong idea(:
Went to WCP aft tht, to buy some stuffs(:

Hahhas! Tht's all fr tdy:D
3mre test(:

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