Friday, February 20, 2009

I loveThis.

I miss typing:D
Didnt get to use comp fr the last few days, so wil be posting bout this whole week now(:

Ms Teo said Ms Tan vomitted blood during Basic. LOLS!
Stayed bck fr Chinese project
Made up my mind to change CCA:D Had haircut aft sch
First time get angry in TSS.

New project fr TP=.=
Nothing much.

Hyperactive thruout the day:D
Skipped one round 'round the field during PE:D Hahas!
Scolded agn cos of fringe, but its shorter now OK!
Went planting aft sch, fr CIP.
Went to Band instead of Gu Zheng:D Join flute, damn difficult:(

Had Maths & Geo test. Failed v badly fr Geo, 4/15. Hahaha!

Disturb Jessie during D&T^^ Hahhas!
Hate today's Mt. && my grp's first fr the project 10/10:DD Credit goes to Zhi Hao & Ling Jing. Tht two...... hahas! Had science test.
Then was EL, Bryan Tan was jus too suay to sit beind me:DD hahahha!
Stayed bck fr HMT. Compo agn=.= Ling Jing sing song fr the class fr being latest fr class. Sounds weird-.- hahas!

Tht's all:D

Was tht you who do evrything behind?

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