Sunday, February 22, 2009

I enjoyed yesterday evening:D Hahaha!
Initially wanted to go to West Coast Plaza to buy pens & stuffs, and then saw James at the bball court near my hse. Was like "Issit really him?" at first, & then whn he look at my direction, he noticed me.
Watched him & his friends playing w music playing. Lols! Really admire his aiming skill, damn 准. After for like 15mins, his friends went bck hme, then I asked him to accompany me to West Coast Plaza. But.. forgot what happened, at the bball court thr, I started playing w the ball liao. Hahas! He was fed up w me. Hahahs! Went to WCP aft tht, but Popular was closed. Reached hme ard 9, had a quick shower then watched Tv till 1. Hahas!

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