Thursday, February 12, 2009

This song touches me.

I'm down with flu. & I feel terrible.
But I'm not Paul. Hahaha! Copyin Eve's file(:

Yeah, but infact I'm rly dwn w flu TT
Hate it to the core, copying WH. Hahaha!
Had maths test tdy, & I'm v sure I didnt do well. Felt so terrible during maths. Failed Sci, & now.. Maths? TT Dunno what will happen if Mum know ):
School's as usual. Rly rly sorry to those that I angry w tdy. I'm nt rly angry, bt jus feelin terrible, & I rly need you guys to understand me. Not inclding Zh & Jl, you guys made me.

Thr's D&T tmr. Lookin forward. Hahahs! Not as bored as last few weeks ler :D
&& my links, will link whn I'm bored:D
Common test coming, shit! Hahhaaha!

What will happen if it really happened? I wonder.

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