Friday, April 24, 2009

TODAY is v sian. I don't know why, I just find today v sian. Wtfish :((
Was emo all the way till Mtl. And because one stupid-enough sentence that Ling JIng said made me spitted out the water I was drinking. Those people around me most probably thought that I was crazy. Infact, the laughters during Mtl equals to the laugghters during rest of day. Wtfish. :( Went to the swing again, with Crystal. Somehow, somewhat, going there can always makes me very happy.

YES, cause of you, again and again.
What the f is the problem w me? You you you.
Always you. I thought things will change gradually, but the fact now, shows that I WAS wrong. I tried v hard to convince myself, you're no longer mine. Again, but the fact now, shows that I was wrong. The freaking feelings will not fade, evn though you're damn cruel, evn though you don't need me around anymore, evn though you don't believe me when I've plenty evidence to prove that I wasnt lying, evn though you're now wholehearted w her, evn though... I'd enough. I really want to get rid of the feelings.
And you knw. I thought I could get over and move on. BUT you replied me, you make me feel that I'm still important, evn though I'm not. Who asked you? You caused me mre misery, you knw that? You shouldnt reply me, you shouldnt say "maybe", but to say "no", you shouldnt evn bother me!

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