Wednesday, April 22, 2009

I'm posting. Woo~! HAHAHA!(:

Yesterday's EL was a nightmare. The Jane Chng was scolding evry single students in 1E1. Said what pretended to study, then point point point. I think evryone frm 1E1 was complaining bout her aft the freaking EL lesson. HAHHAH! I'm gna hate EL lessons. :DD
Today was way cooler than yesterday. Hhehex, cause no EL. (:
Ran 'round the field for 4rounds during PE. Was walking for the first second rounds, then dunno what influenced me to start running for the second time. HAHHAHH! Damn tired at last.
The atmosphere today during Maths lesson was kind of alive. The Bryan Tan went outside the the classroom 面樹思過. HAHAHAH!
Then whatevr. Lazy to type. Thenthen.. Digital Art.
Crystal, Li Wen and I was trying to "dig" someone's "past". HAHAHAH!
Fun fun:D

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