Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Don't judge things too quickly, you'll feel guilty if you knw the truth. Trust me, at least.
Well, you should I'm referring to you.

Okay, common test ended ytd. DnT's paper was a simple one, hope can score well(: Lols!
Tdy was the same-.-
Lols! Gotten bck most of the papers. Lazy to update those marks-.- But thanks to my carelessness, I didnt score rly well.
Erm, okay, first two period was El, then PE. Went to the bball court during PE. Played True or Dare. Argh, so paiseh-.- Wondering why they all all chose him. HAHAHA! No offense pls(:
Then science blahblahblah. Got bck Geo paper during Geo. Rather disappointed. Hahhs! Whatevr. Ain't interested in Geo at all.
Went to West Coast Plaza w Eve after school. Chatted alot.

Btw, changed to blogsong instead of putting a songlist.
Kays, tht's all(:

Long time no see, I miss you. I really do

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