Thursday, March 26, 2009

Nice song?

I just don't understand. I don't understand why those things happened. You lil bastard, spoilt my mood-.-
I hate leaving school, because the moment I stepped outta the school, those thing.. my mind just cant stop thinking of the troubles you created for me. Wtfreak.

School's just fine. Laugh alot. Thanks to the music teachers. Lols!
Tss's Carova's Tee looks so like Pt's Polo T. Hahaha. I miss Pt. (:

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

You spoilt my another holiday. I hate you very very much now.
Happy now? You better do.

Okay, I'm posting:D Hahas!
Erm, yeah, term two started. Some of the changes really freak me out. Lols!
Nothing actually. Only that, I miss 6RESPECT alot alot.
I miss all of them. Even the irritating ones. Hahaha.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

1.What is your surname?
2.Ever kissed a person before?
3.Ever had a bf/gf that has th same surname as you?
4.Who are you thinking of right now?
Amy & June. LOL!
5.Your favourite cartoon character?

6.What are your plans for tomorrow?
D&T project-Afternoon. M'sia-Night
7.Ever get into a fight before?
8.What time did you wake up today?
9.What is your Primary and Secondary CCA?
Primary- Basketball
Secondary- Band
10.Ever thought of smoking?
11.What is your favourite colour?
Green, grey, black
12.What is th colour of th shirt you are wearing right now?
13.Are you a friendly person?
Am I? Idk
14.What are you doing at 3pm yesterday?
Watching Tv, if I'm not wrong
15.Betrayed anyone before?
16.will you rather be a person with a kind soul or a person with lots of money?
Person w lots of money xD
17.Are you irritated by something.
18.How many besties do you have?
Lols! Nice question to think about tall are you?
20.How heavy are you?
21. 15 ppl that came to your mind straight away.
1.Mrs Lee
3.Bryan Yeo
6.Jia Hui
8.Sun Yue
10.Wan Ni
11.Wen Hao
14.Sin Hui
15.Bryan Tan
22. This are the ppl who MUST do this quiz.
As they wish
23.How is number 1 related to you?
24.What do you think of number 2?
25.What will you do if number 3 slaps you in th face?
Lols! I don't think he & I will meet again, even if we do, I don't think he'll either.
26.What is number 4 good at?
Ask no.5 xD
27.When is th last time you went out with number 5?
28.What will you do if number 6 dies?
She's still young
29.Is number 7 a good person?
30.Do you Think that number 8 will call number 9 a loser?
31.How would you react if number 10 kisses number 11?
Laugh out loud
32.Three words to describe number 12?
Irritating, annoying, short
33.who has a louder voice,number 13 or 14?
13? Idk
34.Where is number 15 right now?
35.Who do you love th best,number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15?

Sunday, March 15, 2009

if you can't get through this, you're afraid of the truth:
1)Would you spend the rest of your life with your current bf/gf?
♥ I don't have one.
2)Would you kiss again the last person you kissed?
♥ Forgotten who
3)Are you having a crush on someone?
♥ Yep
4)Have you ever liked/loved someone so much that it hurt so much?
♥ Yea
5) nagnyari na ba?
6)Are you happier single or in a relationship?
♥ Idk.
7)Have you ever told someone you loved them and mean it?
♥ Yes
8)Have you ever had your heart broken?
♥ Uh huh
9)Have you ever broken someone's heart?
♥ Idk
10)Talk to any of your exes?

11)If you could go back in time and change 1 thing, would you?
♥ Of course
12)Think of someone, feel the same?
♥ Maybe
13)Do you believe that you are a good boyfriend or girlfriend?
♥ Maybe not
14)Do you believe that everybody deserves a second chance?
♥ Depends
15)Do you want to get married?

16)Ever liked someone else's boyfriend or girlfriend?
♥ Nope

Saturday, March 14, 2009

1.Besides your lips, where is your favourite spot to get kissed?
Forehead, maybe
2.How do you feel when you woke up this morning?
I've had a superb dream:D
3.Who was the last person who you took photo with?
Wan Ni, Tiara, Geng Chen (or whatevr his name is spelt as)
4.Would you consider to be spoiled?
5.Would you ever donate blood ?
If I could.
6.Have you have a good friend of an opposite sex?
7.Do you want someone dead?
Well, yes and no
8.What does your last text msg say?
9.What are you thinking of right now ?
10.Did you wish someone was with you right now ?
11. When did you go to sleep last night ?
12 .Where did you bought your t-shirt that you are wearing now?
13.Is someone in your mind right now?
Lols! Idk
14. Who last the last person who texted you?
15. People tagged to do this quiz ?
1. SunYue
2. Dear
3. Yiling
4. Razana
5. Si Yi
6. Salwah
7. Wan Ni
8. Sin Hui
9. Bryan Tan
10. Hui Shi
16. Who is 2 having a relationship with?
Lols! Cs
17.Is 3 female or male ?
18. If 7 and 10 gets together will it be a good thing ?
Lols! Idk.
19.What is number 1 study about?
Subjects tht all Sec1s are studying
20.Is number 4 single ?
Lols! I hope she's not:DD
21.Say something about number 5.
22.What do you think about number 3 and 6 together?
-.- They arent les
23. Describe no.9
Sickening. Lols! No offense, but I cnt find a better word(:
24.What will you do if number 6 & 7 fight ?
They don't knw each other.
25. Do you like number 8 ?


A- nice
B-ryan Tan
C-hua Wen Hao
D-ion Chew
G-ao Cheng Long
H-ui Shi
L-i Wen
N-orain (Forgot how to spell, paiseh)
P-oo Jing Ling
Q-i Zhi Ping
S-un Yue
T- ess
W-an Ni
X-in Ya
Y-i Jia
Z-hao Ming
2)Can R and S be together in BGR? ( Razana & Sun Yue)
GGR, at most. But they arent les
3)How is L related to you?(li wen)
4)Does Y know Z?(Yi Jia & Zhao Ming)
LOL! Maybe Zhao Ming doesnt knw her.
5)If C betrays you will you kill him/her?( Chua Wen Hao)
I don't think he'll dare to try. Hahahaa!
6)If K steals your girlfriend,what will you do?(Kelvin)
He won't.
7)What if L tells you he/she have a crush on you?(Li Wen)
She's a girl.
8)Will you and M get into a fight? (Megan)
9)Who does K have a crush on?(Kelvin)
10)If W calls you a bitch what will you do?(Wan Ni)
I can't stop her either. But dont think she'll.
11)Whats the relationship between you and E?(Eunice)
12)Who does Z like?(Zhao Ming)
13)Who is I's best friend?(Ivy)
Me duh! Hahhas!
14)What colour does Y like? (Yi Jia)
15)Where does F live?(Fyn)
Bukit Batok, if I'm not wrong.
16)Did you and C had a fight before?(Chua Wen Hao)
17)Who is H's best friend?(Hui Shi)
I'm one of them. Hahash!
18)What can you say about T?(Tess)
Sis. Pretty
19)What if J tells you he/she has a crush on you?(James)
20)Tag 10 people to do this quiz.
Do it if you want.
It has been one week plus since I last post, so yea, I missed blogging(:

Just came bck frm the two-days-one-night camp.
Thanks to all the teachers and Sc for preparing the camp for us(:
Basically the camp is kind of fun. Except for the West Coast park part, I disliked there so much-.-
Okay, the camp started at 2.30 on Friday. By right, I was supposed to go the the IS gathering after school, but since Vero & Jason were not going, so I didnt go too. Went bck hme after school ended. Took a fast shower, then packed the stuffs, then Dad drove me bck to school(:
Reached school, then settled dwn. Divided in to grp according to the house colour. Same grp w the 2 Wan ni-s & jason & lotsa other ppl which I knw none. Lols! Then I think it's the workshop. Blahblahblah=.= Then dinner. After tht gathered w the grp to discuss the grp name & cheer.
So the cheer was

Win like a champion, win win win
Fight like a champion, fight fight fight
Win like a champion, fight like a champion
All the rest can go fly kite
Fly kite, fly kite~
All the rest go fly kite
Later kena lightning strike!
Oooh! Diligence!
We'll win the war, we'll win the war, we'll win the war! (soft)
One more time!
We'll win the war, we'll win the war, we'll win the war! (medium)
One last time!
We've win the war, we've win the war, we've win the war!( super loud)
Oooh! Diligence!

Lols! The guys in Diligence were super annoying, but they're loud. Hahhas!
After that was mass dance. The mass dance was cool! Lols! We've to dance, then run 'round the parade square. The whole Sec1s run tgt. Lols!
Then was Night Trail. Woah, scary. Hahhs! Esp when we were walkin past the DnT block's corridor. The Hally go and kept on playing w the lights-.- I like the Night Trail most:D & I'm so inlove w the Nike's waterbottle, the can spray water one. Lols!
Ard 12 plus, we went bck to hall, then settled dwn. Then different grps do different things, some shower first, some supper first. Diligence had supper first, then shower.

Tdy wasnt fun at all. So will not elaborate:D
Congrats to Carova for winning. But Gacaranda rocks too! Esp Diligence!^^
Hahaas! I'm damn sleepy right now. Good night:D

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Don't judge things too quickly, you'll feel guilty if you knw the truth. Trust me, at least.
Well, you should I'm referring to you.

Okay, common test ended ytd. DnT's paper was a simple one, hope can score well(: Lols!
Tdy was the same-.-
Lols! Gotten bck most of the papers. Lazy to update those marks-.- But thanks to my carelessness, I didnt score rly well.
Erm, okay, first two period was El, then PE. Went to the bball court during PE. Played True or Dare. Argh, so paiseh-.- Wondering why they all all chose him. HAHAHA! No offense pls(:
Then science blahblahblah. Got bck Geo paper during Geo. Rather disappointed. Hahhs! Whatevr. Ain't interested in Geo at all.
Went to West Coast Plaza w Eve after school. Chatted alot.

Btw, changed to blogsong instead of putting a songlist.
Kays, tht's all(:

Long time no see, I miss you. I really do