Saturday, April 04, 2009

Slacked the whole morning, so I full of energy now. HAHAHA!

Okay, I was happy yesterday. Hehex!
Erm, blahblah. Lit was bored. Alwayz.
Continue w the Mexico's poster during El. My grp members so pervert. What caterpillar is what colour. HAHAHHA!
Oh by the way, ytd's Mrs Yit's bday, so she's kind of happy. LOL! But the freaking factorise question pissed me off during maths. Hahha!
Chinese was loud. Alwayz loud. Lols, MUST thanks to the pair sitting behind me & the pair sitting in front of me. HAHAHA! 'Cause the mt lesson lasts 2hour and 25min, so Sun lao shi gave us 5mins break. Hehex! Played the clap game during the rest. I think ppl who saw Ling Jing & I playing clap clap thingy must be dumbfounded. Lols!
& forgot frm whn on the Kieren Lim was saying tht I like Zhi Hao. HAHAHHA! Yeahhhh, I like him! He look so damn cute whn he smile. HAHAHAHH!
Stayed bck to try out the sloar car. HAHHA! Can't move, but our grp's car looks like Ferrari. LOL!

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