Wednesday, April 08, 2009

I barely pass my Science test! HAHAHA! I think I can't get the signature. LOL

Doin research on Flooding now, sianx, I cant make myself like Geo. ):
Mr Lim almost killed me tdy. He's soooo mean ): Make the class do the physical exercise, or whatevr its known as. Wthell, till now, my legs still feel v weak. & tht made the reason why I can't concentrate during maths. HAHAHA! Bad workman blame his tools. LOL!

I think I'm getting mre and mre annoyed because of her. I don't get it manx, who she evn think she is? Treat ppl like her dog, and order ppl do this do that. Badmouth bout them in front of me, then pretend like like them so much in front if them. Hypocrite. Please lah, stop it lah, it works only on guys who fancy your look. !@#$%^&*(*&^%$
That's only what I think. You love her, shuddup. =.=

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