Thursday, April 16, 2009

Don't know why I feel like blogging. :D

Had Geo class test tdy. It was a 50marks paper, so at most I'll only pass. HAHAHAH!
I finished my art piece during tdy's D&T. But it's damn not look like a tag. LOL! Nvms. AHAH! Then blahblah. Music was funny! Hehex! The Ms Monica Toh (Or Mrs), separated the class in to three grps. High, low, and off-tune. HAHAHHA! I'm in the off-tune grp:D Only three, cool yeah. LOL. Then she teach us pronunce the Ltalia words, and asked the class tp repeat aft her, so the class were like repeat evrything she said. HAHAHAH! So farni.
Then was Mt. Mdm Sun was angry w the Wu.. sth sth. Forgot his name. LOL. I think he's trying to blance w the two legs of the chair, then suddenly Idk what happened, he fall. HAHAHAHH!
I laughed alot tdy. I like. HAHAHAH!

Why cant you draw the line longer?
Why? Scare waste ink huh?

Are you eating?
Cause I forgot to bring money tdy.
Ohh, then you wanna be deity ar?

These few conversation made me laugh like crzy. AHHAA!
Kkays. I'm lame:DD

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